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Saturday, June 19, 2010
Pastor's Marriage
Ever tried asking a single sister what kind of man she wants for a husband? A very common answer you are bound to get is “a God fearing man”. The second consideration may be money and not the other way round. By extension, but for fear of the responsibilities of the wife of a man of God, almost all ladies would love to marry a pastor.
In some churches, it is a major prerequisite that a believer be first married before he is promoted to the office of a pastor. Due to preference of pastors as husband prospects by majority of sisters, some churches went further to forbid a pastor from marrying from his parish. Did they foresee the life drama that took place in one popular church in Nigeria when the pastor lost his wife?
This successful pastor, still in his late thirties lost his wife to HIV unknown to the church members and most eligible single sisters who were scheming to become his wife. Christians are fond of confirming God’s approval of their marriage partners through dreams.
God speaks to us through dreams but to a Christian who is yet to mature in the things of the Lord, dreams at night could arise from the activities of the mind during the day. If a sister preoccupies her mind fantasizing about marrying her pastor for instance, she will definitely see herself getting married to the pastor in the dream.
There was serious confusion in the church of this man of God as sisters upon sisters approached him for counseling but ended up sharing with him how they saw themselves getting married to him in one dream or revelation. The man of God knew he had to do something very fast before the entire work of God in his hands goes up in flames.
The pastor was very committed to a fellowship of people living with HIV/AIDS he help to set up when they first discovered that the wife was HIV positive and he by extension was also infected. How the wife contracted HIV was unknown but she contracted whilst they were still in the world. They got married as unbelievers.
The pastor was doing a very great work in showing love, comforting and restoring hope to those living with HIV/AIDS, especially in his church. Yes, you heard me right. Church members who came to him for counseling after contracting the disease are integrated into the fellowship of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) where they can get the love, understanding and care the society today is denying them.
The pastor was already in a relationship with one of the sisters at the PLWHA fellowship and the only way to put an end to the chaotic situation with dreaming sisters in his church was to come public. It was a difficult decision but Satan must not be allowed to destroy the work of God in his church; because that could happen if he continued to keep quiet.
On a day dedicated to talk about HIV/AIDS, the pastor stood before the church and recounted the event that led to the wife’s death. They did not know of the wife’s sickness with HIV on time, they would have managed it. The pastor believes that the death of the wife was for a purpose and encouraged members to go for voluntary HIV screening as prevention is less costly than cure.
He informed the church that those infected could still live a normal life with adequate management, care and supportiveness from all especially those of us who are not infected.
Finally, he announced his marriage engagement with a sister everybody knew in church, and members could swear that the sister must have lied about her contracting HIV just to marry the pastor. Unfortunately, HIV/AIDS does not show on the face!
A popular HIV campaign slogan in Pidgin English is: “AIDS no dey show for face-o!!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Tragic Fornicator
A story was told of a maid (house help) who was sleeping around. She would go after security men (mallams) within the G.R.A where she lived. Between her routine of taking the children to school and bringing them back and other house chores, she would make out time to familiarize herself with security men in their neighbourhood. Most of these mallams have little kiosks near their gate houses where they sell petty things.
The maid in a bid to partake freely of some of these petty items on sale by the mallams got trapped into illicit sexual rendezvous from one mallam to the other. It was during this period that she contracted HIV unknown to her.
One of the two children of the maid’s master fell sick. He was treated for malaria parasite and there was no improvement. His blood sample was later collected to run a test. He tested positive to HIV virus and typhoid parasite.
The parents were confused about his HIV status and the search for a possible explanation led to HIV screening of the entire household including the maid. The maid tested positive and so was their second child.
A deeper investigation for the source of the infection began and it was discovered that the maid was responsible! But how? After series of interrogation and investigation into the lifestyle of the maid the truth emerged. She confessed to be sleeping around. The confusion was not yet over. “Could she have slept with our son, they thought” no, he is small but what about our daughter? How did all these happen?
The doctor suggested that a possible way is through the sharing of blood piercing instruments like needles, razor blades or even tooth brush. The maid later confessed to have been using the children’s tooth brush to clean her teeth. “Oh! That is it” exclaims the doctor, “bleeding gum and blood of the maid on the children’s brush.
You may say what carelessness but I will say what wickedness. Were these parents careless? There could have been that element of carelessness on the part of the parents but the cause of the tragedy is the wickedness and profanity of fornication.
A sister of mine who heard this story, now subjects every prospective house help she intends to employ to HIV screening. That, if you ask me is good but in this life, we cannot be too careful.
We live in an era of wickedness perpetrated through a life of sexual perversion, we must all repent. Repentance is a great gain to us and people around us.
Longman family dictionary defines a Prostitute as a person who engages in sexual practice for money. It went further to define Prostitution as the devotion of anything to corrupt or unworthy purposes.
Going by the first definition above, one is confused as to what to call a person who engages in sexual practices or offers his/her body for the use of another ex-gratia.
This brings to mind the story of a young girl who thought it fun to offer her body to willing men freely. She freely contracted HIV from one of her benefactors.
Her ordeal started as a teenager, out of secondary school and writing her JAMB exams. She was at home most of the times alone; parents gone to work and siblings gone to school. In the same compound of room & palour apartments (Face me, I face you) was a young man who was into spare parts business.
The young business man saw a golden opportunity to sleep with this young girl while at home one day, down with Malaria fever. When he got better, he planned his battle strategy to seduce the innocent girl. He continually bought her gifts after their first meeting. These gifts were intended to seduce and hence could be called bribes.
“And thou shalt take no gifts: for gifts blindeth the wise, and perverteth the words of the righteous” Ex 23:8
How easy it is to get people to believe you love them and to sell their soul by giving them free things. Men idolize other men who give them free things. It does not matter to them if the enjoyments of these free things are for a while (temporary) as long as it satisfies their immediate needs.
“Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birth right” Heb 12:16
A fornicator or adulterer is a profane person. Profanity is the treatment or abuse of something sacred, to desecrate or debase by an unworthy or improper use.
”…Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body” ICor.6:13b.
It was not long before the young businessman in our story trapped the girl and she lost her virginity! For the girl, the first experience was both painful and sweet. It was easy for her to overcome the painful aspect and cling to the sweet aspect.
A married man in the same compound soon noticed her. She started sleeping with the married man. When she became the source of quarrel between the young businessman and the married man, she moved her search for fun (sexual pleasure) outside the compound. She failed her JAMB exams and was not bothered. She sold her birth right on a platter of sexual fantasy and wantonness. She could not stay a day without a man.
She continued in this madness until she fell sick with Malaria symptoms. She visited a government clinic where they took her blood samples to run a test. She was not just sick of Malaria Parasite but tested positive to HIV 1 and HIV 2 viruses.
She was jolted to reality by the result of her HIV test. She was in counseling for over 2 hours and the doctor was trying to convince her that she could still live a normal life with the drugs available now. She could not stop crying over what she called a wasted life. She mortgaged her destiny.
“For you know how that afterwards, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears” Heb 12:17.
In a vengeful anger, the young girl told the doctor she has made up her mind to repay the men folk with their own coin. She vowed to no longer wait for men to approach her for sex but would embark on a seduction mission first on all the men in her compound and then in her entire neighbourhood. It is free sex for all available men.
“Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner……with her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him” Prov.7:12-21.
If this is exactly your story, the doctor may be right and you could still live a normal life with immunosuppressant drugs. But if you found it difficult to believe the doctor and that is why you have embarked on that vengeance mission, I beg you to give the Doctor of all doctors Jesus Christ a chance to restore your life and destiny. Hear what He told Cain before he embarked on his vengeful mission:
“And the Lord said unto Cain, why art thou wroth? And why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shall rule over him” Gen 4:6-7.
Jesus came to this world and died for somebody like you. He came for the sinner and not the righteous. Sickness; HIV has its root in sin and your true repentance and confession of our Lord Jesus Christ as your saviour will orchestrate the free flow of His blood to wash and cleanse you, forgive and restore all that you may have lost.
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” Jn. 10:10.
Dearly beloved, if you have gone on this revenge mission for months or years, I challenge you to commit the same number of months or years in seeking Jesus. I did not say seeking a man of God but the greatest physician Jesus.
It is necessary that you find a complete Bible believing church in your area, but you must first surrender your life to Jesus, where ever you are right now and pray this prayer:
God Almighty Father, I accept that I am a sinner and Jesus came and died for me. I accept Jesus into my life today. Cleanse me with the blood of Christ and write my name in your book of life. I refuse every covenant I have with the devil, directly or indirectly, in Jesus’ name.
You are now a born again Christian. What you need now is a Bible, the great book that God will use to lead you on.
If you are a young girl and the above stories practically describes your situation only that you have not gone for HIV test, please proceed immediately for a free HIV test in any government health centre near you.
Thereafter, you are also encouraged to follow the counsel given above, whether the result is negative or positive. That it is negative should make you forsake your old ways and run to Jesus to show gratitude for His love & protection.
Proposal is an act of putting forward or stating something for consideration-a proposed idea or plan of action, a suggestion, an application or an offer for marriage. There is verbal and non-verbal proposal.
At "Liberty Expression" seminar where this topic was discussed, we had in attendance at least 4 visiting pastors and a host of Christians. The topic was to set at liberty women who one way or the other had seen their would be husbands but remained unmarried for years because the man would not take notice of them or propose.
1. Though the topic's main target was women, there was more men than there was women at the programme.
2. It could be scriptural but our society frowns at it; women who propose to men could be seen as loose women.
3. A pastor observed that the topic was not scriptural.
1. There are always more men at relationship/marriage seminars than women because they(Women) speak more about getting married yet are either not prepared or are afraid of what marriage life holds for them.
2. As Christians, the society or our cultural norms must not take precedence over scriptural revealations. We must be led by the Spirit of God rather than by our fears or traditional belief system.
3. It was unscriptural to the pastor because we know in part and we prophesy in part. A study of jewish culture/levetical laws upon which the law of kinsman redemption and marriage between Ruth and Boaz was made established the scriptural basis of Ruth's proposal(Ruth3:8-9).
In Nigeria, there are different culturally accepted ways or acts of marriage proposal making depending on the part of the country. There is a particular culture where a man had to put a bead necklace on the prospective wife, if the woman accepts it, then the man's marriage proposal is accepted or vice versa. This is a non-verbal(action based) proposal.
In Israel, spreading the skirt over a woman was a symbol of taking her under one's protection and entering into marriage with her. A man wanting to say "marry me" to a woman does so without words by covering the woman with his skirt. However, in Ruth's case, she requested to be covered by Boaz's skirt, in other words she asked Boaz to marry her(Ruth3:9). Also read Eze.16:8, Rom.7:4; this was the way God married Israel. This is the only way the Church is now married to Christ.
1. A friendly disposition is helpful(Prov.18:24, Ruth1:16)
2. A woman of conviction and stability(Jam1:6-8, Ruth1:10,18).
3. Must choose God over marriage opportunities(Ruth1:16, Deut.30:15-16, Josh.24:15)
4. Must be Hardworking; a virtuous woman(Ruth2:2, 3:11, Prov.31:10-31).
5. Must build upon the word of God(Ruth2:1-2, Deut.25:5)
6. Must build upon the experience of others(Ruth3:1-6,18, Ecc4:9)
7. Must employ your gifts and talents(Prov.18:16), you will find your husband while employing your gifts and talents to God's glory.
8. Must seize the opportunity being mindful of timing(Ruth2:22, 3:7)
9. Must learn to wait patiently on God for all things to work together for your good.
A. If you found the man, you must understand him(Ruth2:20)
B. Learn the most honourable way to approach the man(Prov.18:24)
C. Be presentable always and before the man, your carriage is very important because marriage is a honourable institution(Ruth3:3)
D. Deliver the message as led by the Spirit of God(Ruth3:3-9)
Do you have faith enough to possess your possession? Now is the time for you to end that waiting. If God has shown or led you to your husband as He did for Ruth, it is time to do something about it. If you do not take a step, the man may as well end up as someone else husband.
There was a true life story of a sister and a brother who were friends and prayer partners in the same Church. God told the man that the sister was to be his wife and also told the sister. The brother could not propose because people(society) would say he took undue advantage of her knowledge of the sister's need for husband. The sister could not propose because it was a taboo in her society for a woman to propose to a man. The sister later got married and the brother now convinced it was not the voice of God he heard also got married to another sister.
After their marriages, and whenever they met in their own Church camp meetings, satan would remind the man that the sister now married was his wife and so did satan remind the woman also. They were each having so much problems in their marriages that the man sought counsel from his pastor.
From the pastor's counsel, the man confessed to the sister what he has been going through because of his failure to propose to her and interestingly the sister also confessed her ordeals too. Together, they sought forgiveness from God and He delivered them from the buffeting of satan.
Remember, because of Ruth's faith, obedience and boldness, she got married and more importantly as a stranger from Moab entered the lineage of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ(Matt.1:1-5)
THE EMPOWERED LIFE Living Beyond Limitations & Lack of Resources
Several motivational speakers and empowerment practitioners made us believe that we are only empowered if we have money. All empowerment programmes including the ones initiated by Government are geared towards teaching and giving us one principle or the other with which to make money.
I once fell into that trap when due to the financial situation of my church members including jobless graduates, I was led or better put moved by compassion to start teaching them how to make money I an empowerment programme that held every Saturday afternoon.
I taught them FOREX trading, internet investment opportunities (e-gold), network marketing and the likes but I discovered it was not working. I shared my predicament with one of my Pastors and he laughed at me and told me I was teaching my church members how to make money and that if I want to teach empowerment, I must learn from Jesus. He referred me to the book of Matthew 10:1-20.
“Empowerment is the ability to produce results without resources”. I understood from the scripture above that Jesus empowered His disciples and for the avoidance of doubt, instructed them not to embark on the assignment with any self support or money. I also understand that any man who puts money or physical considerations first before God will not be able to accomplish anything.
Longman’s Family dictionary defines empowerment as “to give official authority or legal power to”. How then did the practitioners of empowerment seminars and motivational speakers arrive at their own definition? In my spiritual ignorance and no thanks to the practitioners and motivational speakers, I believed and taught empowerment to my church members as money making.
Please buckle your spiritual belt as I take you on a journey to discover how Jesus lived and taught empowerment. Empowerment says “you can work anywhere you desire without human connection, you can start business without physical cash, you can say to people come and they come, you can do as the Lord pleases for there are no limitations in the spirit”.