Jesus healed various natural
diseases and also drove out many demons (Mk.1:32-34). Jesus established the
need for healing of both natural and demonic diseases. We can tell if a demon
is the source of a sickness or if it is just a natural cause by testing the
spirit through the spiritual gift of discernment.
A sister who headed one
of the departments in our church was suffering serious abdominal pains that
refused all medications. The pains got to a peak while she was on suspension as
a Head of Department. She did series of tests and scans and was billed for
fibroid surgery. Some church members were aware but she kept it from me (her
pastor) even when she was counseled to call me for prayers before going for the
I heard about her
ordeal a night before her scheduled surgery. Initially I resisted the urge to
call and pray for her since she wanted the whole thing kept away from me and I am
not a prayer contractor or merchant but thank God for His Word that came to me.
I picked my phone, called her and asked if she indeed wanted to go ahead with
the surgery and she said “no”. I agreed with her that she did not need to be
operated on by man but by God. I gave her the Word of God that worked for my
wife and reassured her that if she had faith, God will heal her. I asked her to
hold the phone with her left hand and to place her right hand on her abdomen
while I prayed. To God be the Glory, she did not go for the surgery but went
for another scan which confirmed that the pains were gone because the fibroid
tissues had disappeared! Today, she is happily married with children, glory be
to Jehovah Rapha, Halleluiah!
In the beginning, there
was neither sickness nor diseases. Sin was introduced into the world by the
failure of Adam and Eve; the aftermath of their disobedience to God. The wages
of sin is death; sickness or diseases are but progressive forms of death. The world became diseased, troubled or plagued because of man’s failure
to live in accordance with God’s command. Sin therefore is the origin of what
is now called natural diseases. Pastor E.A. Adeboye has this to say
about sickness, “sickness is an agent of death. Many people die through
sickness. Even Elisha took ill and died of sickness (2Kings 13:14). Yet, Exodus
15:26 says we do not have to be sick.
The world became infested with demons (fallen angels) some of who
committed fornication with daughters of men (Gen.6:1-5), who gave birth to
giants that were instrumental to widespread wickedness and evil in the then known
world. Today these demons are still responsible for idolatry and occultism with
practices like evil altars, witchcraft covens, familiar spirits and curses.
As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by
flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. (Pro 26:2)
A curse is words spoken against someone and is a direct consequence of
sin, evil and widespread wickedness in our world today. A curse could be the
cause of a sickness or disease. It is activated by sin (Deut.28:15-19), comes
with a reason and the reason for a curse is iniquity. The sin of idolatry (Ex.20:4-6) brings a generational curse even to
the 4th generation of the unborn children. Idolatry is worshipping of idols; a
representative of a god. An idol is not actually a god but a demon masquerading
as a god (Deut.32:16-17).
But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they
sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have
fellowship with devils. (1Co 10:20)
Generation is from the Greek word gene and this means that children of
today could and do receive demons from their parents who were involved in
idolatry. These demons are called “familiar spirits” and are able to make a
daughter or son afflicted or even dies by the same sickness that killed the
mother or father respectively.
For this ye know, that no
whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater ... (Eph
Greed also came into this world by the sin of idolatry. A greedy
person is a slave to money (mammon) and materialism. He puts money and material
things first before God. He finds it difficult to serve God with things he
received from the same God. The greed of Gehazi (2Ki.5:25-27) brought a curse
upon his bloodline and his children inherited demons (generational curse) that
made them lepers like their father.
The so-called natural diseases and the above mentioned demonic
diseases can be healed when brought to the Doctor of doctors, Jesus. Medical
science only has solution to some natural diseases; demonic diseases cannot be
captured under any medical diagnostic equipment and hence can only be healed by
divine intervention.
The natural diseases originated by sin and are being spread by Satan
and his agents. Demons are the spirits behind demonic diseases and once they
are cast out through deliverance, the sick can recover almost immediately.
There is a definite relationship between healing and deliverance (casting out
Beloved, believe not every
spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false
prophets are gone out into the world. (1Jn 4:1)
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